Welcome to Beatles and Friends Radio

About Us

Pawling Public Radio


WPWL 103.7

Music by the Beatles, OR anyone connected to the Beatles, OR anyone from the '64 -'74 era (the REAL '60s)

LISTEN TO PAST SHOWS at http://bit.ly/1RANbHt

A new theme every week!


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Into the Sky with Diamonds featuring the most remarkable stories of the Beatles and the Race to the Moon

LISTEN TO PAST SHOWS at http://bit.ly/1RANbHt

Listen at www.PawlingPublicRadio.org


Saturdays 12:30 PM EST

Fridays 9:30 AM

Sundays 9 AM

Into the Sky with Diamonds website


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Contact Us

Beatles & Friends Radio


845 493 0355

26 East Main Street

Pawling, NY 12564